(Although the title is about 'Friends' but the subject on this post would be mostly about myself.)
Today I just read old post cards that my friend gave to me almost four years ago. There he mentioned that I have an anti social behavior. I gave it a thought.. and it reminds me of an MBTI (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator) test that I took recently which resulted in me being 51% introvert. I have never really learned about psychology (except from Consumer Behavior class that I taught), although being antisocial and introvert is related, but I think it is also affected by other things or contexts. Here my friend only saw me the first time on 2012, while on 2010 I would consider myself as being overly extrovert during my very short time here. During the past years spending my life in Korea, I must admit that I spend time less and less with my friends. I can even count those I consider friends here using one hand only. On the other hand, when I spend my few days in Europe last year, I was being (again) quite extrovert. I reached for people, I went out, it's like the opposite of who I am here. Maybe that is just me. In a new environment I would always try to find out about people around me and how they are like. Anyway.. I'm rambling again.
Friends. They are probably more important than my own family. I know it makes me sounds like I'm not being thankful for my family but it is true, at least for me. I remember my mom said that my friend won't even do/ think the same about me but that is what I feel about my friendships. As a prove, I cried a tear when I saw Vidi after two years not seeing her, while when I saw my mom, I was just ok. I would do anything for my friends, well maybe not really anything but you get what I mean.
Here I would like to talk about few of my friends:
1. Vina. She'll be married in less than a month, to someone whom she dated for 8 years or so.
What I like about her? She's honest. She has integrity in her own definition that she doesn't mind whether people would hate her because of that. And she is always there for me, not only through calls, but for real.
What I remember the most about her? She came to mall Lippo Karawaci after I called her to come. I was having a very painful complication of menstrual cramp and acid reflux, while my dearly beloved mother had had to left me to come home, to check whether she has turned off the gas stove. Vina came in less than an hour I think.
to be continued...