Monday, June 28, 2021

Advice to 18 and 33 y.o me

 1. Learn to challenge yourself. Life means more when you live outside your comfort zone, and your limit is bigger than what you think it is.

2. Enjoy the process of everything. Through the happiness, the stress, the sadness, the rejections, learn to watch how you overcome and live through those experiences and how you grow up.

3. Always try to finish what you start! That is called GRIT, and you will always need it until your last breath in this earth.

4. Be aware of your own bias, especially those related to age, gender, race, education, occupation, financial, and religions. Chances are everyone is bias, unless they have lived in all 7 continents, 10+ countries, has been poor & rich, and is raised in a very open-minded environment.

5. Be kind and reflect on yourself before you judge someone else, because chances are everyone has their own ups and downs, which shape them into what they are right now. If life is easier to everyone of us, maybe we all could become better people.

6. Do what you want to, as long as it feels right, but try to think a bit about the risk. This is at least my recipe for not to regret for not doing whatever it was I decided not to do, or the opposite.

7. Don't be sacred to love and to open up. We're all made of bones, muscles, and blood. Even the worst people have hearts. Some need to mature to realize that what they do can impact someone else, and in this some, that includes you, Tania.

8. Last but maybe the most important for you, be kind to yourself. Love yourself as you want to be loved by others. Listen to yourself when you make mistakes and when someone has done you wrong; cheer and be proud of yourself when you achieve something. 
