Saturday, July 21, 2012

KAIST Fall 2012 ?

Dear Prof Bang,

Thank you for your time to reply my email, I am really grateful for your concern. I want to ask further about the funded projects.
Is it possible for me to participate in it from my 1st semester in KAIST? 

  • If it is possible then I would be eager to start as a Master student in KAIST from this Fall 2012.
  • But if it is not possible, then my next option is to register first in KAIST, despite extra travel expense that I have to bear. 
My concern is that once I already apply to KAIST and got accepted then it means that I have a responsibility to my recommender (previous advising Prof in ITB) and also you as my advising professor in KAIST. This responsibility does make me hesitate to cancel my acceptance easily, as it might also ruin relationship between KAIST & ITB, please correct me if I’m wrong.

Honestly, for now, my primary concern is about the money. Please do give your advice if there is other thing that I should prepare before I enter KAIST other than things that have been stated in KAIST website, such as research focus or else.

Again, I would like to thank you for your time & help, I really appreciate it.

